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Community Association Management believes homeowner and condominium associations can and should exceed the expectations of their residents, and we have information and resources that can help. 

White Papers

Resource Guides


Rights and Responsibilities for Better Communities

More than a destination at the end of the day, a community is a place you want to call home. There is a difference between living in a community and being part of that community. Being part of a community means sharing with your neighbors a common desire to promote harmony and contentment. This goal is best achieved when homeowners, non-owner residents and association leaders recognize and accept their rights and responsibilities. In all cases, this entails striking a reasonable, logical balance between the preferences of individual homeowners and the best interests of the community as a whole.White Paper Download

Collecting Assessments

Association board members have many of the same responsibilities as the directors of other corporations: It’s not unusual for a board to be responsible for millions of dollars in real estate and hundreds of thousands of dollars in assessment fees. Given this fiduciary responsibility, association boards must collect assessments in a timely, systematic manner.  White Paper Download

whitepaper_iconFair Debt Collection

Fair Debt Collection Practice Act affects Condo and HOAs, although many owners aren’t aware of it. Abusive Debt Collectors may have to pay damages to the debtor, such as emotional distress or slander.  White Paper Download

 Adopting & Enforcing Ruleswhitepaper_icon

Rules come in several forms: Architectural Guidelines, Election Rules, and other adopted Rules and Regulations. These are documents that the Board of Directors can adopt apart from a vote of the membership as long as the CC&Rs grant the Board the authority to make and enforce rules. Rules are not recorded at either the county or state level, but are approved and kept within the homeowners association. White Paper Download

Architectural Design Review

Effective architectural design review is central to maintaining a community’s vision and value. Successfully managing the process requires careful attention to detail and a proven system. White Paper Download

Leasing in Associations

Governing boards of condominiums and homeowner associations often have concerns about the number of rental units within their communities.  Tenants are perceived to be less concerned about the community, less likely to observe the community’s rules and regulations and less concerned about the preservation of the community’s common elements than unit owners who reside within the community. White Paper Download

Protecting your Association from Fraud and Financial CrimesProtecting Your Association from Fraud and Financial Crimes

We all say that it won’t happen to us, yet fraud, embezzlement and other methods of theft happen daily to both individuals and companies alike. And homeowner’s associations are no exception. This free guide will help you mitigate the risk to your association. Download your free guide

Complimentary Board Member Tool Kit CoverThe Board Member Tool Kit

This valuable resource for community association volunteer leaders provides a free overview of what you need to know on a wide variety of governance issues. It includes sample forms, checklists and notices, most of which can be adapted for use in your community. Download your free guide