Who do our owners contact if they have questions about their account balance?
Our professional Customer Service representatives are available Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm to answer any questions your homeowners may have. Homeowners may also view charges and payments on their account by logging into the website
Who do our owners contact if they have questions about a violation they have received or if they want to report a violation?
Our professional Customer Service representatives are available Monday – Friday 8am to 5pm to assist homeowners with questions about violation notices they may have received. In addition, homeowners have the ability to view their letters and any violation photos by logging into their online account. Homeowners may report possible violations to our Customer Service representatives or through the “Report a Violation” link on the website. Our Customer Service representatives will in turn notify the Board/violation committee by email of any comments, questions, reported violations or hearing requests that we may receive.
What if there is a repair emergency in the evening or on a weekend or holiday?
Our after-hours emergency phone line is staffed with a live operator who will assess the situation and dispatch a pre-selected repair vendor and notify the Property Coordinator or a Board member of choice. (an additional fee for this service may apply)