Finally, good leaders must be able to listen. While confident in their goals and their ability to achieve them, they must be humble enough to realize that others may have even better ideas about how to reach those goals.
WANTED: Individual willing to work long hours for no pay. Ability to multitask essential. Must be able to set and meet long-term goals and be a team player. Willingness to listen graciously to harsh critics a plus.
Who in their right mind would answer a job ad like that?
Fortunately, you did.
All of this serves to remind us that being a leader is a difficult job. As the late Vince Lomardi said: “Leaders are made, they are not born. They are made by hard effort, which is the price which all of us must pay to achieve any goal that is worthwile.”
With annual meeting season approaching, we will see some of our board leader’s move on, creating some very big shoes to fill. But we are confident that the work you have begun will continue, allowing your community to grow and thrive in a fiscally responsible manner.
All of us at Community Association Management would like to say “Thank You” for all of the hard work and dedication each of you have given your communities