Homeowner’s associations left in power without any discerning eye towards expenditures and budget expectations can leave residents and tenants in a precarious situation. It is possible for boards and staffed employees of a homeowner’s association to take more than they need for common expenses and pad their accounting books. Utilizing a self-managed HOA model gives the power of visibility to each resident that is interested in their community’s workings. Additionally, many companies that help to establish self-managed HOA’s for communities will staff professionals skilled in the research of fraudulent activities and financial manipulation.
Self-managed HOA structures will constitute the same business processes handled by a traditional homeowner’s association, so seeking professional assistance is necessary. There are legal proceedings and, potentially, structural guidelines specific to the region that must be accounted for with little margin for error. Failing to institute a policy with the ability to adhere to legal and regional guidelines will negate any cost-effectiveness achieved by transitioning to a self-managed HOA. Self-managed HOA advisors are staffed at companies who specialize in the transition of associations from third party to self-governing. Seeking the assistance of a self-management HOA company ensures that all the necessary documentation and legal paperwork will be filed and executed. Most of the more successful companies who offer services to transition HOA’s into a self-managed operation will establish an on-line presence for the community. Using a website is an excellent way for self-managed HOA’s to communicate their ideals to tenants and streamline the process for complaints or requests.
Recent criminal cases involving fraudulent accounting and the prevalence of inflated costs in the construction and management industries has led to a consumer knowledge of real estate not previously present. Residents of a community boasting a homeowner’s association should be aware and wary of all proceedings ongoing within. Using a professional specialist to implement a self-managed HOA is ideal for those who find their majority concerned and seeking better service. The positive financial effects of a self-managed HOA, including drops in legal fees and operating costs, are worth consultation from those on the board or HOA staff.