Being a zipper company, when the Covid-19 pandemic initially began, our zipper business which has been around since 1941, basically went to a halt. Not only being a zipper company, but also being a small, 4th generation family business we needed to figure out how we can help the community and how we can ensure our small, family business can survive this pandemic, all without letting any of our employees who have been with us for several years go. We began to hear stories from customers, social media, and people all over the country of making/sewing masks, since finding them online or in the stores was nearly impossible. We turned our Zipper company into an elastic company overnight. We started shipping elastic all over the world to people sewing masks, as the part that goes over your ears. We also were able to offer our customers sewing supplies, such as sewing needles so they can complete their masks for hospitals, communities, neighbors, family, and friends. Elastic was impossible to find, and with businesses shut down in NYC, we came together and practiced social distancing, Ubering our employees in from all over NY, to get elastic out to these amazing people as fast we possibly could, while staying safe and healthy. Working 7 days a week, around the clock, we all came together during this difficult time.
Author: Offit Kurman
Articles have been Reprinted with permission from the charlotte observer and Mike Hunter.
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