Several readers on Amazon have sent me a message to the effect of, “I have your Robert’s Rules Of Order Fast Track, but can’t seem to find Notes and Comments on Robert’s Rules, Fifth Edition, only the Fourth Edition for the last Robert’s. Where can I find the Fifth Edition?”

First off, thanks for reading and for looking for the book! That’s gratifying to me as an author. Hope the books have been helpful. (As an aside, if you found the Fast Track guide helpful, please consider commenting or posting a review here, as that is how people find out about books these days. And if you’d like occasional book updates or blogs on parliamentary topics, click “Follow” at my Amazon Author Page.)
The good news is that Notes and Comments on Robert’s Rules of Order, Fifth Edition is on the cusp of release. Like other things these days (house repairs, construction), delays seem to have impacted everything. The body of the book (text, references, notes) are all complete. Only the indexing needs to be finalized, which is far more complicated for a non-fiction reference book than it might seem. Thankfully there are skilled professionals to help with that!
Obviously, aspects of this are beyond my control, but I’m told that Notes and Comments on Robert’s Rules should be available from Amazon and other locations in August 2022.
For those of you not familiar with Notes and Comments, it’s a great book for those wanting to learn more about procedure. Robert’s Rules of Order Fast Track is a quick introduction to parliamentary procedure that provides details on the most used motions, appropriate informal procedures for association boards, and general advice for shortening meetings. Pleased to say it’s been the #1 new release in its category on Amazon.
Notes and Comments on Robert’s Rules, Fifth Edition is for those who want to know even more. There’s nothing else like it on the market. Introductory books on parliamentary procedure, including my Fast Track guide, tend to just cover the essentials on what one must know to participate in a meeting. Only Notes and Comments covers the middle space. Notes and Comments goes through the most-likely-to-be-experienced procedures in Robert’s and asks and answers the questions about procedure most often asked. For those who wish to delve deeper, extensive notes provide history and more details on specific topics. Instead of just telling you what to do at a meeting, Notes and Comments on Robert’s Rules explores why it’s done that way, so it is far more than an introduction to meeting procedure, but less of a commitment than reading Robert’s from cover to cover. The Fifth Edition includes:
- Q&A format to provide quick answer to frequently asked meeting questions.
- Page and line citations to the new Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised (12th Edition)
- Not just the rules for meetings, but a discussion of why it’s done that way.
- New, extensive materials on electronic, virtual and hybrid meetings.
- Practical advice from me and original author Jon Ericson, both working parliamentarians, who have almost 100 years of professional experience working with meetings ranging from small community association (HOA and condo) boards to conventions with 10,000 delegates, including some of the largest associations and unions in the country.
- Extensive notes providing history and comparing other parliamentary authorities, because it never hurts to know more than you need to know.
As soon as the new edition is available, it should appear on Amazon, traditional and online bookstores, as well as electronically for the Kindle, Nook and iPad.
Fingers crossed!
Author: Jim Slaughter
Articles have been Reprinted with permission from Black, Slaughter, Black.
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