Someone in your household has a medical emergency and every second counts, it takes the ambulance a few minutes more to get to your home because they have to navigate around cars parked in the street.
Your home is on fire, the fire is moving quickly and someone is trapped on the second floor, the fire trucks are approaching your street and have to slow down to navigate (large vehicles) around cars parked in the street. It takes them a few extra minutes to get to your home.
A few cars are parked on the street and your coming home from a long stressful day at the office. Your reflexes are slower and you’re not exactly as sharp as you were early in the day. All you are thinking about is getting home, right? Suddenly a child/ someone riding a bicycle, etc. pulls out in front of you from a blind spot behind one of the cars parked in the street and you hit them.
Sounds far fetched, it’s not! Our streets were not designed with parking in mind. Our community was designed with two car garages and driveways to accommodate up to four vehicles! Please comply with the parking restrictions, it’s a small price to pay for our safety.
by Mark Basnight – Captain Char- Meck Fire Department & Former Board President
(This article may be reproduced for use in your community)