The Nottingham and The Glen Homeowner’s Association were notified in April of 2011 Mckinney Management was closing their office in Greensboro. In addition to the closure, they informed the board all escrow monies had been misappropriated and spent without direction from the board of directors. Currently these associations have not completed a forensic audit so the best estimate of loss is approximately $20,000 to $25,000.
The association board is pursing criminal action against McKinney Management at this time with the Greensboro Police Department.
Also, by Consent, the Real Estate Commission revoked the broker license of McKinney Management Services, Inc., effective February 15, 2011. The Commission found that McKinney Management Services , a firm which provided property management services for owners of rental properties , failed to maintain client- and tenant-owned money in a trust account, failed to promptly account for and remit trust monies in the firm’ s possession , failed to keep complete and accurate records of trust money, and failed to make records available for the Commission’s inspection. the Commission also found that McKinney Management Services’ liability for the funds of others exceeded the money on deposit in the firm’s trust accounts by at least $40,000. (
Facts of the matter are currently sketchy, but attempts to reach Mckinney Management of Greensboro via telephone were usuccessful. All phone numbers listed for McKinney Management have been disconnected.
Should you have any information regarding the whereabouts of these individuals, or if you have any information regarding this case – please contact Detective Bruscino at 336-574-4071 or