In order to perform their duties and fulfill their obligations, community associations must collect assessments from their members. With the exception of a fortunate few, most community associations must deal with members who either refuse to pay their assessments or cannot pay their assessments. There...
Associations Using CPA’s: Is it Really Necessary?
Although homeowner associations are created as nonprofit corporations, this does not mean the associations do not engage in financial transactions or require the services of a certified public accountant (CPA). For example, it is common for an association’s governing documents to require a financial audit or review on an annual basis, and associations are required to file tax returns every year. Further examples of situations in which it may be beneficial to consult a CPA include:
Community Associations and the IRS
We often get asked whether community associations can or do qualify as 501(c) organizations under the Internal Revenue Code. Sometimes the question arises because the association derives too much income from sources other than assessments to file IRS Form 1120-H, and it is looking at way to...
Tax Time
Assocations must file!
While the end of the year traditionally means a congested calendar and a lengthy to-do list for most people, Associations also face another important year-end activity: preparing to file federal – and, in some cases, state-tax forms.