Homeowners receive non-compliance notices from the management company. Homeowners send our assessment checks to the management company. Homeowners report common area maintenance problems to the management company. So, the management company makes all of the important decisions regarding our community, right? WRONG! The management function of a...
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What is a Self Managed Condo?
As the name implies, a self-managed condo is a condominium association that chooses to manage itself without the cost or use of an outside property management firm. Self managed condos face unique challenges by not having a third party property manager involved in the day to day business...
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Risks of Self-Managed HOA’s
With the wave of foreclosures, business closings and record high unemployment, there is increasing pressure on homeowners and condominium associations to lower dues. If your Board is considering whether to hire an North Carolina property management company (also known as a community management association), a South Carolina Property Management Company or whether to opt for lower cost...
Facing the Challenges of Running a Self Managed Condo
Serving on the Board of any condominium association can be challenging. Serving on the Board of a self managed condo can be even more so. This is due to the fact that there is no intermediary between the volunteer unit owners that serve on the Board and the residents...
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