Malcom Forbes once said, “Diversity” is the “art of thinking independently together”. Isn’t this what association boards do on a regular basis? But, oftentimes thinking independently means thinking differently, which can lead to a clash of opinions and result...
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Community association meetings can be productive, efficient and standing room-only. The secret? Planning. Both monthly board meetings and annual member meetings tend to be loosely thought out and implemented by the seat of the pants. What happens before a meeting is often...
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Q. What should be included in the minutes of a board meeting? Does every item on the agenda have to be addressed in the minutes?
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There are more than 320,000 community associations (HOA's) in the United States, according to the Community Associations Institute. Think of all the membership, board, and committee meetings that take place! Since statutes and governing documents often require such meetings to follow certain rules, it’s important for...
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