Got your glowing lamps ready for this year’s Diwali celebration in mid-November?
You may not, but your Hindu neighbor may be good to go. And if he or she tolerates your blinking Christmas lights and Santa figurines, you should be prepared to return the favor.
So say community...
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Fair or Fowl?
Here a cluck. There a cluck. Everywhere a cluck cluck. Old MacDonald had a farm. Now it's come to your community.
It seems the chicken has packed up its bags, left the farm and crossed the road to get to community associations. Read more
Going to Pot
States are relaxing restrictions on marijuana, which means conflict is coming to community associations. What is clouding the debate?
It doesn't happen often. But every couple of months, there's that unmistakable smell wafting through a hallway at Penn Square Condominium high-rise in Denver: marijuana.
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Look Out for Sneaky Provisions in your Declarations that Bite
Trying to keep communities looking good is one of the most important goals for homeowners associations; in fact, it is one of the main reasons people purchase homes in HOAs. Unfortunately, enforcing governing documents is not an easy task and there are oftentimes provisions in the...
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