Most condominium association’s “Declaration of the Condominium” (hereinafter referred to as declaration) follow the wording of Chapter 47C of the North Carolina Condominium Act with regard to the definitions of “common elements” and “units”. The Declaration specifies what insurance is to be provided by the association and what insurance is to be provided by the unit owners.In the statute, 47C-2-102, Unit boundaries it says: “Except as provided by the declaration:
About: ideaforge
Recent Posts by ideaforge
Copyright Free Newsletter Articles – Volume 30
These articles are written for residents who live in homeowner and condominium associations and are provided to you as a free benefit of our Board Member Resources area. The content is designed to help those responsible for community newsletters, association websites, bulletin boards and other forms of communication for homeowners.
Solutions for HOAs

Solutions for HOA's
Traditional Solutions Our turn key management solutions provide complete, holistic, hassle free community care.
Self Managed Solutions Ala carte solutions let you choose how involed you want...
Because I Said So, That’s Why!
For those of you who have served, or currently serve on a board of directors or an architectural review committee, have you ever felt like the evil parent telling your child “no”? No matter how you put it, the child continues to argue that he/she should be able to carry out the “forbidden” activity, until everything comes to a head and the child is sent off to his/her room.
Unfortunately, when it comes to the architectural review process for associations, resolution of a dispute is not as easy as putting your foot down and sending an owner to his/her room. To the contrary, the architectural process is closely scrutinized by courts and owners in the communities. Therefore, before denying (or approving) a request, it is imperative that the architectural review committee dot its i’s and cross its t’s.
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I wanted to thank you for doing such a good job taking care of the property. I just wish I had the time to promote your company but due to my work load I haven’t been able to (but will when time permits) because you do such a great job. I can’t tell you how much this has meant to us for you to handle yourself so professional way with our owners.
“Community Association Management is a solutions provider that enables HOA Boards to run efficiently and effectively. Their service is off the charts and their depth of knowledge and experience are invaluable.”
I honestly do not have the vocabulary to describe how much Community Association Management means to our community, and what a wonderful Job you do for our community. You treat us like we are the only community you manage. We feel so taken care of and well run. Thank you!
Community Association Management is a solutions provider that enables HOA Boards to run efficiently and effectively. Their service is off the charts and their depth of knowledge and experience are invaluable.
Community Association Management has been a godsend to our association. They are available 24/7 and they have all the answers we need. They cover the full gamut of services and have allowed us to consolidate several vendors into one source saving us countless dollars and hours. They have helped us change our operations from reactive decisions to informed proactive planning.
Community Management is a very professionally run organization, with all of the aids and assistance necessary to help a HOA board of directors answer to their community’s needs.
We needed structure and guidance and we are so appreciative to get that from this company.
A good friend of mine who is a recent past president of a community here in Charlotte contacted me this evening to ask who we used for property management. I told him that the only game in town was Community Association Management! I also mentioned that you may be a young company in years but are now one of the top 5 HOA management companies in the Carolinas. We are very happy with our decision to use Community Association Management.
We were recently switched to Community Association Management with your buyout of Cline & Company. I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much of an asset our Portfolio Manager is to your company. The Manager made our transition from Cline Company seamless and the attention we receive from the Manager and your company in general is unmatched. Not to mention the tools and options made available to us. I think I can speak for myself, fellow board members, and also our community in saying that w… Read more
“Community Management is a very professionally run organization, with all of the aids and assistance necessary to help a HOA board of directors answer to their community’s needs.”