HOA and Condominium Billing and Collections of Assessments
- Comprehensive, efficient and systematic collections process
- Embedded best practices from the collections industry
- Monthly Account Statements via US mail or eMail
- Works in conjunction with the community’s specific collections procedures and collections attorneys
- Collection process is systematically more aggressive as the delinquency continues
- Minimizes expenditures for collection of accounts that may be resolved by bankruptcy or lender foreclosure
Consistent and uniform approach
- Owners have the incentive to pay their assessments on time to avoid additional charges
- Owners in default receive progressively stringent notices
- Payment plans are offered and enforced
- Uncollectible issues are referred to the association’s attorney for legal action
Lower delinquency rates and higher visibility
- Community Association Management is successful in significantly lowering overall delinquency rates for client communities
- Real-time web-based access to all delinquency reports via the board portal
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